Achieving IT Maturity with a Digital Platform Conductor

IT maturity is a key priority for CIOs. In fact, in a 2021 Gartner I&a...

How To Reduce the Impact of the Great Resignation on IT

2021 was the year of The Great Resignation. Around the globe, we saw r...

How to Solve Technical Debt with a Digital Platform Conductor

If you’re devoting resources to managing legacy technology and falling...

IT Infrastructure Transformation: Why ITSM Tools Are Not Enough

When the pandemic hit, IT teams were in the spotlight to deliver techn...

IT Service Delivery 2.0: Rise of the Digital Platform Conductor

As enterprise digital transformation projects continue apace around th...

RPA to DPC: Moving Beyond Process Automation

IT infrastructure transformation requires orchestration of multiple to...

IT Project Backlog Out of Control? Get More Done with Less Effort

As businesses strive to adapt more rapidly to change and gain a compet...

The Role of the Digital Platform Conductor

It may sound like Sci-Fi – using AI to analyze your IT environment, pr...

Alleviating IT Burnout

It is no understatement to say the COVID-19 pandemic has created massi...