Why iPaaS Isn’t Enough

Fast-track business solutions using an AI-powered Digital Platform Conductor

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As businesses use more tools, systems, and applications, data becomes siloed making it harder to tackle complex challenges. Finding solutions means navigating a mountain of spreadsheets, which adds time, cost, and risk.

Traditionally companies used integration platform as a service (iPaaS) solutions to get systems to share data and perform basic functions around tech delivery workflows, but as business technology continues to evolve something more is needed.

Why iPaaS Isn’t Enough as Business Technology Evolves

Because iPaaS solutions are designed to tackle IT transformation they are predominantly used by those with deep development expertise. It takes time and money to create customized system connectors, implement parameters to make sense of data and build workflows to automate processes. As systems evolve and new tool functionality added, more time and money must be spent on development and maintenance.

As business tech decentralization occurs, teams outside of IT are being challenged by poor data visibility and system interoperability, but often lack the developer expertise required by iPaaS to connect systems and use data in a meaningful way to solve their own challenges. Because they can’t access services out of the box, they are reliant on overburdened IT teams or specialist third party developers to build solutions for them. Programs are delayed and leaders and teams are frustrated as they can’t quickly see a return on their investments.


Digital Platform Conductor (DPC)

Digital platform conductors are a new category of integration software that expand the scope and capabilities of iPaaS to solve the challenge of growing business system complexity. Like iPaaS, DPCs offer a library of pre-built industry applications connectors but are accessible for non-developers through:

Low-code APIs for custom connector creation.
Pre-built and customizable user interfaces.
Templates and tools that simplify workflow and trigger creation.
Simplified graph and chart creation for greater data visualization and analysis out of the box.
Teams can easily connect and consume new tool capabilities using a DPC so managing across a complex ecosystem is simplified even as your tools grow in number!

ReadyWorks: Harness an AI-Powered DPC to Achieve Business Goals

ReadyWorks is the market leading DPC designed to help companies maximize ROI on their digital tools. It does this through:


System integration: Rapid connection and integration of digital tools, systems, and applications without limits across the business, to get them sharing data and working in unison.


Data Intelligence: ReadyWorks uses in-built intelligence, and pre-defined criteria such as data scoring to aggregate, clean and correct data from multiple systems and present it in a way that provides actionable insight on any program.


Orchestration and Automation: ReadyWorks automates the response to data and reports received from systems. It simplifies complex workflow creation and uses pre-defined triggers to orchestrate any combination of digital tools.

Because connectivity is simplified, ReadyWorks makes it easier for businesses to harness the power of AI to turbo charge programs and make service creation even more intuitive.

Maximize Tool ROI to Achieve Goals Faster

ReadyWorks allows any team to accelerate service delivery using an AI-powered SaaS platform with user-friendly interfaces, intuitive templates, a self-service portal, and low-code APIs.

Discover how we’ve helped our customers solve their business challenges and how we can help you solve yours.

Evolution: iPaaS to ReadyWorks DPC

  Integration Platform
as a Service
ReadyWorks – AI-powered Digital Platform Conductor
Integration of disparate tools, platforms, and apps across heterogenous environments to support business processes. Integration of disparate apps, tools and platforms is part of wider functionality that also incorporates intelligent analytics and orchestration and automation of digital platforms and processes across heterogenous environments to drive business outcomes.
System Integration
Pre-built connectors, software development kits (SDKs), APIs and scripts deliver connectivity for integration of tool capabilities, data exchange and mapping. Delivered with pre-built connectors while custom connections can be generated through low-code APIs enabling integration of tool capabilities, and facilitating data exchange, and dependency mapping.
Data Intelligence
Basic monitoring and analytics focused on the integration process, providing insight into integration related metrics, data flows and system performance. Ability to integrate with third party applications. In-built intelligent analytics and customizable dashboards, reports, alerts, and intuitive searching deliver 360-degree visibility of integrated data, and actionable insights into digital processes. The ability to integrate with third party solutions, such as AI platforms, further advances capabilities.
Orchestration & Automation
Focuses primarily on integration-related capabilities, including connecting systems, automating data flows, and managing APIs. User-friendly functionality simplifies the management of complex digital ecosystems and the building of automated workflows that use existing tool functionality to drive business outcomes.
Extensive customization through development tools, APIs, SDKs, and scripts Extensive customization through simplified custom connectivity (low code APIs), and user-friendly workflow and T-comms templates.
In-depth development expertise required – managed by IT or 3rd party experts. Simplified management interface, low-code APIs tools, and templates mean there’s no need for in-depth development expertise. Programs can be managed by teams across the business.
Future Evolution
Requires constant maintenance and upgrade of connectors. As your environment changes more time and money is needed to create new tool connections to consume their data and capabilities. Maintain simplicity even as business complexity grows through a platform that rapidly integrates new tool data and capabilities – including AI platforms, allowing them to be consumed by innovative services. Simply transfer and reuse workflows across programs and build out solutions as business needs dictate.

ReadyWorks has been recognized as ‘transformational’ in six Gartner Hype Cycles

“DPC tools coordinate the various infrastructure tools used to plan, implement, operate and monitor underpinning technology and services for applications and digital products.”

- Gartner_logo

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