
European Bank Reduces Cost of Asset Lifecycle Management by 40%

Customer Overview

Client: Leading European bank

Revenue: $1.5B annually

Industry: Financial Services

Employees: 4,000

Use Case: Windows Servicing, IT Asset Lifecycle Management

Business Outcomes
  • 3,100+ hours saved annually.

  • $478,000 annual cost savings.

  • Risk of fines due to non-compliance mitigated.

  • Audit trails maintained and automatically updated.


The leading European bank was struggling to keep up with the annual cadence of Windows servicing and patching of 4,500 end-user devices. Failure to manage these updates quickly put the bank at risk of security breaches and being found non-compliant with regulatory requirements. The bank chose to work with ReadyWorks to manage the process of Windows lifecycle management and IT asset lifecycle management (ITAM), resulting in significant cost savings and reduced risk.


Windows Servicing and Patching: Continuous OS updates and security patches are critical but time-consuming tasks that pull IT teams away from other critical IT transformation programs. The process requires a clear picture of systems requiring updates or patches, application preparation and testing, communicating with and scheduling end users, and putting systems in the appropriate workflow depending on user and hardware requirements and lease cycles. The bank’s IT team was managing the process with a mountain of spreadsheets and manual processes.

Asset Lifecycle Management: communicate with end users to understand their needs, procure and ship the new machines, get users to return the old machines, and then decide whether to dispose, reuse, or retain them.

Onboarding/Offboarding: On top of this, IT needed to onboard and offboard approximately 80 employees each month. That meant participating in onboarding workshops and sending multiple emails calling users and department heads, all of which was eating into IT’s time.


  • Mitigate security vulnerabilities by quickly identifying systems requiring OS updates or patches and implementing required changes.
  • Reduce risk of fines for failing to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Lower the cost and headcount required to manage IT asset lifecycle management activities.
  • Enhance the end user experience through evergreen asset refresh and onboarding/offboarding processes


The bank selected ReadyWorks because it offered an automated approach to managing OS updates, and IT asset lifecycle management. ReadyWorks significantly reduced the bank’s operating expenses for these programs while also improving the end-user experience and reducing the risk of regulatory fines for potential non-compliance issues.


icon-deep-cloud-integrations-01ReadyWorks connects to all the bank’s data sources to automate data discovery. It applies intelligent automation to clean and normalize critical program data and then automates the request for and collection of additional information from end users and stakeholders. Additionally, ReadyWorks orchestrates and automates system and people workflows including communications, scheduling, opening and closing tickets, and reporting on task and workflow status.

icon-improve-digital-experienceLeveraging ReadyWorks Windows as-a-Service module, the bank’s IT teams had access to customizable forms and tools, allowing them to automate the steps required for Windows updates and patches. For example, project coordinators could rank applications and streamline testing, allowing them to roll out updates faster with less risk.

icon-networkOnce all readiness criteria is met including user and technician availability, ReadyWorks adds machines into SCCM collections and report on update status. ReadyWorks also automatically opens service tickets to resolve issues and reschedules the update once the issue is resolved.

icon-adapt-infrastructureAsset refresh is also seamlessly incorporated within the bank’s Windows Servicing program. The project coordinator is able to pull up details about each machine to determine the appropriate workflow. For example, machines that have reached end of lease are put into a separate workflow then those that simply require an OS update. Machines requiring hardware upgrades are put into a different workflow.

icon-hybrid-solution-01Using ReadyWorks the bank is also benefitting from an automated asset disposition process. Machines are put into categories, defining the future steps to be taken – whether that’s to dispose or recycle, return for lease, or put on hold for legal purposes. As processes are automated, a project coordinator can pull reports at any time to show a full audit trail for any program.

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