Digital Transformation: Enabling IT Agility for Long-Term Innovation

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As enterprises accelerate digital transformation initiatives and customer and employee experience programs, already overburdened IT teams need to find a way to cut through the growing complexity of their estate to drive new business agility.

Respondents of a 2022 IDG Research Services survey that included 400 senior IT decision makers showed how IT was shifting priorities to enable business innovation and growth. 87% said their company was pursuing digital transformation in some or all areas of their business.

While many enterprises had already begun their digital transformation journey, the pandemic forced them to accelerate plans. Whether to adopt greater agility to react to changing market demands, to meet the needs of customers more effectively, or to support the growing number of remote and hybrid workers, the pressure is now on CIOs and their teams to quickly and successfully deliver the many digital initiatives company leaders are requesting.

A Forrester article published this year talks of the challenges IT has faced over the last couple of years and the belief that from this year, IT executives will shift their focus from short to long-term challenges. In the article, it was suggested the ones that would fare the best would:

  • Establish a new era of transformation by linking the customer and employee experience for greater competitive advantage and productivity.
  • ‘Use cloud-first, platform-based architecture and adopt low-code no-code solutions’ to counteract the IT talent shortage.
  • Successfully tackle the tech debt that was created as IT teams responded to changing demands of customers during the pandemic, by delivering a seamless end-to-end customer experience while modernizing their tech architecture and moving to the cloud.

Grand View Research expects that there will be a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.1% for the global transformation market between 2022 and 2030. With this in mind, how can your already overstretched IT teams manage their enterprise transformation successfully, and what challenges will they face along the way?

The challenge of implementing business agility

As IT moves more enterprise workloads and resources to the cloud, teams could find that growing estate complexity impedes agility rather than enables it. With buildings becoming smarter and operations being digitalized, enterprises are going to rely on a growing mix of public and private clouds, as well as more applications, devices, and capabilities being added at the edge cloud(s).

To manage change across this environment, teams will be interacting with a multitude of tools designed to manage distinct components of the IT estate. The question CIOs need to ask themselves is, "how can IT adopt a more agile approach to digital transformation and move away from legacy processes and systems that negatively impact transformation timelines, introduce risk, and bloat costs?"

Cut through growing IT complexity 

While disparate IT and cloud management tools don’t interact, by introducing a digital platform conductor (DPC) into your environment, they don’t have to. A DPC connects to all of your management tools and aggregates and analyzes the information that they hold, allowing you make better decisions in support of completing digital transformation programs. 

Armed with a comprehensive, real-time view of their IT estate, teams can see how change will impact the IT environment, make informed decisions about where to place future workloads in the cloud, and how to implement the capabilities that will drive new organizational agility and a seamless customer and employee experience.

Global Financial Services company leverages digital platform conductor to enhance asset tracking and
propagate company innovation.
Book a demo to understand how ReadyWorks can cut through growing IT complexity, allowing your teams to deliver enterprise digital transformation faster.

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